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Luley's Next Gen
Swing Messengers

Jazz from the 20s and 30s presented as chamber music in a quartet. With the "Next Gen Swing Messengers", pianist and singer Jan Luley presents the next generation of great soloists in classical jazz. Music by Duke Ellington, Hoagy Carmichael, Louis Armstrong - classical jazz and timeless titles from swing and New Orleans jazz, presented in perfect form, improvised with virtuosity and presented in an entertaining way. In the tension between tradition and contemporary influences, Jan Luley's Next Gen Swing Messengers show in a refreshingly uninhibited way that classical jazz and swing can still be found in new facets today.

Samantha Wright (UK) - Clarinet

Thimo Niesterok - trumpet

Tobias Schirmer - drums

Jan Luley - piano, vocals

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